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Hudson Area K

Summit County Department of Sanitary Sewer Services


The first Hudson sanitary collection system was constructed in the early 1900s when Mr. James Ellsworth paid for the installation of the first sanitary collection and wastewater treatment system. While newer sections of sanitary sewers were installed as new subdivisions were built in the former Village and surrounding Township, the sanitary collection system within the core downtown area dates primarily back to the original installation by Mr. Ellsworth. There have been some upgrades and modifications over the decades; the base infrastructure has not changed. 


At one point, the Hudson sanitary sewer system had nine sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). By 1995, there were three remaining SSOs and over the course of about six years, one more SSO was eliminated. Today, however, there remains two active SSOs that are dumping untreated sewage into Hudson waterways. One SSO dumps sewage into a storm sewer that flows to the lower Barlow Community Center pond and the other SSO dumps sewage directly into Brandywine Creek near the Owen Brown Street bridge. 


Approximately four years ago, the City of Hudson sold their sanitary collection system to Summit County. The Summit County Department of Sanitary Sewer Services (Summit County DSSS) is the agency within Summit County that is responsible for the operation and maintenance of Summit County-owned sanitary sewer collection systems. As a part of purchasing the sanitary sewer collection system, Summit County DSSS accepted responsibility for eliminating the two remaining SSOs. Two or three years prior to selling the sanitary sewer collection system, the City of Hudson undertook a study to determine the amount of sewage flowing through the sanitary sewer collection system. Two of the sub-systems (Area K & Area L) include the two remaining SSOs. Area K is comprised of the businesses along Main Street across from the Clock Tower, the residences along Owen Brown, Western Reserve Academy, and a significant portion of the Hudson Historic District east of downtown. Area L includes downtown retail businesses south of SR 303, the offices and businesses along Ravenna Street, and the residences along SR 303 to approximately the Middle School entrance on SR 303. 

Upon taking ownership of the sanitary sewer collection system, Summit County DSSS hired engineering consultants to perform detailed studies of Areas K & L in order to pinpoint the sources of stormwater (rainwater) entering the collection system, thus, triggering the SSOs to activate and dump untreated sewage. The study of Area K determined that the sources of stormwater (referred to as Inflow and Infiltration, or I&I) were primarily from private property (homes and businesses) within Area K. The mainline sewers (the public sewers) were found to be tight and not allowing stormwater to enter the collection system. 

Upcoming Events

Lateral Inspection with Dye Testing Churches and Businesses

  • When: April 1 - May 15, 2022


Lateral Inspection with Dye Testing (9) Division Street Residence

  • When: April 11 - May 16, 2022


Planning for Contiguous Homes for CCTV Lateral Launching

  • When: April 18 - May 16, 2022


Mailings EDG/DSS Residential Private Property Information (~90 homes)

  • When: April 18 - May 16, 2022


Open House Public Meeting for Residential Inspections

  • When: Thursday, May 19, 2022

  • Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

  • Where: Barlow Community Center


Obtain Property Owner Permission for Lateral Testing

  • When: May 16 - August 22, 2022


Lateral Launch Inspections with Dye Testing - Residential

  • When: June 27 - October 10, 2022


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