Sanitary Lateral Investigation Process
For Environmental Design Group (EDG) to investigate the private property infrastructure, permission to enter the property and perform testing is needed from each property owner.
This is where the private property owner’s cooperation and coordination with Summit County DSSS’s agents is required. Summit County DSSS has hired Environmental Design Group (EDG) to be Summit County’s agent in this matter.
Environmental Design Group, working with C&K Industries, will insert a CCTV camera up the sanitary sewer lateral from inside the sanitary sewer in the street to determine its condition. At the same time, team members will also complete a dye test in each of the roof downspouts simulating a rainstorm to see if they are connected to the sanitary sewer lateral, and dye test any driveway or yard drain, again simulating a rainstorm, to see if the dyed water enters the sanitary sewer lateral. The dye test is completed by adding water with a small amount of biodegradable dye to each downspout connection or yard drain. The results of the camera work and the dye testing will allow EDG to develop solutions to address any sanitary sewer lateral issues and possibly re-pipe any downspout or drain that might be adding stormwater to the sanitary sewer collection system.
The solutions will be packaged together into one construction contract and, if a property is found to have issues, the contractor will return to the property and install the proposed improvements at a later date.
As noted above, all of the investigative work, the determination of the solution, and the actual construction of the proposed improvements will be at NO cost to the private property owner. Summit County DSSS, in cooperation with the grant from NEORSD, will cover the costs of the project. The only exception is if C&K cannot insert the camera into the sanitary sewer lateral due to roots, collapsed pipe, some type of blockage, etc. The private property owner will be responsible to hire a plumber/contractor to unblock or open the sanitary sewer lateral so the camera can travel up the lateral and to the house.